Cisneros Research Group

The University of Texas at Dallas

Scientific discovery relies on curiosity, creativity, innovation, and multiple perspectives. Our group is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds thrive, because it is the ethical thing to do and our collective diversity empowers a diversity of ideas. We value and promote collaboration within and outside our group, and we celebrate/welcome multiple approaches and points of view. These guiding principles lead to excellence in research, and promote a congenial environment.

Cisneros Group Members

Principal Investigator


Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

High School Researchers

Past Members and Visitors

Spring 2024
Spring 2024: In this photo (front-back, l-r): Upeksha, Sarthi, Abeda, Shubham, Tanay, Arkanil, Jorge, Andrés, Yazdan, Mauricio
Summer 2023
Summer 2023: In this photo (front-back, l-r): Sarthi, Yuhi, Upeksha, Andrés, Yazdan, Arkanil, Shubham, Mauricio, Bridget, Jorge, Tanay
Fall 2022
Fall 2022: In this photo (front-back, l-r): Tanay, Quique, Andres, Yazdan, Jorge, Shubham, Arkanil, Upeksha, Mauricio
Spring 2022
Spring 2022: In this photo (front-back, l-r): Yazdan, Shubham, Emmett, Madison, Upeksha, Arkanil, Jorge, Tanay, Andres, Mauricio

Previous Photos